Saturday 2 June 2012

Throwing stones and hurtling insults.

2009 saw the release of a somewhat interesting science fiction movie titled District 9. Costing $30 Million to produce it raked in $210 Million in box office sales worldwide. A brilliant success one would say, except of course if you were Nigerian. You see the producers of the film could hardly veil their contempt for Nigerians, labelling anything evil, disgusting or downright barbaric in the film with Nigerian names, languages or people. They went as far as calling the main villain in the film Obasanjo, The former Nigerian President.  It was as far as an insult to a Nation could go.

It did provoke some annoyance which led to its subsequent ban in Nigeria. All the same, a lot of Nigerians are still smarting from the sudden smack in the face which was definitely uncalled for.

The film in question was a brilliant piece which sadly had been used not just for political purposes but also to show and convey utter disdain, contempt and disgust for the People of Nigeria.

Terri Tatchell and her husband Neill Blomkamp who co-wrote the scripts saw it fit to shed some light on their apartheid based upbringing. However, fearing swift retribution their targets this time had to be located somewhere outside the country. Nigerians proved a very nice target. They didn’t have to dig deep to find willing culprits in Peter Jackson and Carolynne Cunningham, who undoubtedly were drawn in by the share brilliance of the movie itself.

One would assume that Nigerians would come up with a similar stunt of their own. It is now apparent however that Nigerians do not really have an appetite for such. All the same a reply did come. From within the borders of the rainbow nation.

It’s with no little wonder that not just Nigerians but the world at large have reacted with amusement at Bret Murrays’ spear painting depicting a Mr Zuma with his genitals hanging out. A lot of Black South Africans have reacted with anger which culminated in Mr. Zuma's lawyer Gcina Malindi weeping in court whilst pleading with the judge to have images of the picture banned.

Zumas’ insatiable appetite for anything in skirts has served to build a not too popular image of him home and abroad. He is frequently ridiculed and is presently embroiled in a law suit against a cartoonist who depicted him wearing a shower cap while preparing to rape Lady Justice who was being held down by his henchmen.  

One could only say that contempt, insolence and share lack of respect have come home to roost. From hurling insults at the President of a foreign nation, South Africans have now turned on their President equally serving him a platter of the same cuisine.

He has married six times and has twenty children, yet it is impossible to rule out the possibility of waking up one Saturday morning to see Mr Zuma in yet another ceremonial wedding dance.

From Zapiros’ cartoons to Murrays paintings I leave it up to you to guess what will be next.


Zapiro's Cartoon
Murray's spear painting.

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