Wednesday 13 June 2012

Air Nigeria's Routine, said the government.

Air Nigeria...Serious concerns reported

The NCAA (Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority) has today 12/06/2012 confirmed that it has suspended with immediate effect Air Nigeria's operations.  Citing normal procedures. Mr. Sam Adurogboye NCAA's public relations General Manager said it was routine to have the Services of a Sovereign States national Airline suspended after a brief strike.   

I do not know what planet he thinks we live on, one thing is clear though. It is evident he assumes he is addressing a bunch of illiterates. It is becoming a trend with the present government. They just assume that if everyone in government is a Muppet it should follow that everyone outside the government should be a puppet.  Two weeks ago the Presidents' spokesman said the President couldn't say Amen after a prayer session because he had used up all his Amens. Today we have Mr. Adurogboye saying he suspended the National Airline because it was routine procedure to do so after a strike. I must say he does relate well to the public.

A few days after a serious disaster you decide to suspend the country's National carrier and want us to believe it's routine. Well I am prepared to believe anything as long as you take the proper steps to fix or trash that flying trash-can. 

Customers and some staff of Air Nigeria over the past couple of months have voiced very serious concerns with regards to Air Nigeria. One gentleman calling it a Flying coffin. Well, I am glad that the government has seemingly decided to look into it. We all know it was a disaster waiting to happen. 

Thankfully and most hopefully this serious concern is being addressed appropriately.

Nigerian Airways...Defunct.

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