Saturday 2 June 2012

The Downfall of a Ruler.

 Ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has been sentenced to life in Imprisonment. Its is being reported that he has this afternoon suffered a heart attack and has been admitted into hospital. He is said to have wept and resisted on his way to jail.

For three decades Hosni Mubarak ruled Egypt in totality. Making some decisions which proved very unpopular to the rest of the Arab world. Most notorious of these was the agreement he brought to fruition with Israel.

He was ousted in the early days of the Arab spring, subsequently detained and charged with the deaths of some 850 Egyptian protesters.

Alaa Mubarak
Gamal Mubarak
His sons Alaa and Gamal were both acquitted. Both are due to stand trial for insider trading on the Egyptian stock exchange. It is widely thought they both profited illegally from the sale of a bank.

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