Sunday 17 June 2012

Carnage as Usual Sunday Bombings go on.

It's 2pm now, like I said in my earlier post news is now trickling in of the latest Terrorist attacks on churches in Northern Nigeria.

Two Churches in Zaria Kaduna state have been bombed, a third is presently under attack as I post this. Eight people have been confirmed dead.

Two militants involved have been lynched to death by an angry mob.

It has become a weekly event in Northern Nigeria where every Sunday Militants candidly select what church or institute to attack and then proceed to rain absolute carnage on it.

They now act with total impunity. From all indications the government had decided to accept these spate of mindless attacks as part of life in everyday Nigeria.

The press briefings, police investigations and condolence from the President and Governors have all dried up. It's now all about burying your dead and moving on with your life till next Sunday.

These conditions have left the country in a position were it is gingerly tittering over an abyss of total chaos.

God Save our Souls.

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