Saturday 30 June 2012

Mohammed Morsi Sworn in as President of Egypt

Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed Morsi has been sworn in as President of Egypt. A week after he was declared winner of the run-off elections.

President Mohammed Morsi

Egypt for a few days tittered on the brink last week as the then ruling military council kept on stalling when it came to releasing the results of the election.

Today Egypt saw their first ever democratic elected President assume office.

Friday 29 June 2012

Tablets, Nexuses, Microsoft Surfaces and Big Massive Android Phones....

The Latest addition to the tablet craze: Enter the Microsoft Surface and Google Nexus 7. Seeming response to Apples iPad and the Android lot. 

Coming late to the table it seems Microsoft's main aim was to announce that it was still very much a force to reckon with when it comes to Information Technology. The truth be told,  they most certainly are. Did they need to come up with a Tablet? I don't think so. Although you never could tell. Fact is,  if you do not retain a noisy presence on the world stage when it comes to cutting edge Technology you could swiftly be regarded as being in a way synonymous to the phrase; old fashioned. A possibility which is becoming increasingly likely with Microsoft. 

Microsoft Surface

Becoming Old fashioned though does not automatically mean you capitulate and die, it just means your franchise becomes valuable history. The good old days some would say. A shiny Brand Name generating next to nothing in revenue. After 50 years or so you would then be promoted to the league of "Old School".

As for Google, they always want a bite of whatever seems to be the brightest idea in this giant cauldron of Technology Junk that has become the 21st Century. 

Google Nexus 7
Below are the specifications for the Microsoft Surface. Compared to Apple's iPad which is listed in like fashion further below.

Surface for Windows RT

OS: Windows RT
Light(1): 676 g
Thin(2): 9.3 mm
Clear: 10.6” ClearType HD Display
Energized: 31.5 W-h
Connected: microSD, USB 2.0, Micro HD Video, 2×2 MIMO antennae
Productive: Office ‘15’ Apps, Touch Cover, Type Cover
Practical: VaporMg Case & Stand
Configurable: 32 GB, 64 GB
Surface for Windows 8 Pro

OS: Windows 8 Pro
Light(1): 903 g
Thin(2): 13.5 mm
Clear: 10.6” ClearType Full HD Display
Energized: 42 W-h
Connected: microSDXC, USB 3.0, Mini DisplayPort Video, 2×2 MIMO antennae
Productive: Touch Cover, Type Cover, Pen with Palm Block
Practical: VaporMg Case & Stand
Configurable: 64 GB, 128 GB

Apple's iPad;

High resolution Retina display 2048x1536
Voice dictation
Faster processor A5X Quad core
5 megapixel iSight rear camera; autofocus; face detection
HD video recording at 1080p
4GLTE; 21Mpbs HPSA+ and LTE at 73Mbps
AT&T and Verizon will be the carriers
10 hour battery; 9 hours on 4G
9.4mm thin
1.5 pounds
Colors available in black and white
Price starting at $499..

Make your choice. Though, given the fact that all you are going to do is carry this for a couple of days, take a couple of pictures and some word processing before it becomes luggage, I would advice you to spend well.


Blackberry Tablet

I wonder what bite Microsoft and Google would take out of this very apple looking pie chart.

Mission Impossible 6.....Katie Holmes files for divorce.

In what is promising to be a thrilling but sad movie involving the American Justice System versus the Scientology oriented community of Hollywood, word has it that recluse couple Tom and Katie have assembled on the wrong end of the aisle. 

Katie Holmes has this morning the 29th of June filed for divorce from her husband and Mission Impossible star Tom Cruise. 

Tom Cruise

Their Marriage has always been dogged by rumours of unhappiness with friends and ex-friends of Katie Holmes pointing accusing fingers at Tom Cruise as the sole source of the unhappiness. Accusing him of being overly domineering and controlling. They have always been a particularly reclusive couple so little of what had always been said could be verified. 

It is not clear at this time who would have custody of their daughter, although it is almost certain that Katie would. Unless, of course if she is deemed unfit by the courts. A probability which is very likely, I must add. 

Katie Holmes
This is the latest high profile divorce following the Kardashian Torpedo. Reports are still sketchy with regards to reasons....

Saturday 23 June 2012

D'Banj Nails it in Hackney...

Tune maker and Sway master D'Banj absolutely nailed at the Hackney Music Festival which saw big acts like Leona Lewis and Jay Z thrill the crowd.

D'Banj was no exception. He is such a unique talent always seeking to punch above his weight and never lets his fans down.

Dapo Daniel Oyebanjo A.K.A  D'Banj

Currently signed on to Kanye West's G.O.O.D music label he is slowly carving out a niche for himself on the world stage.

At some point though it is going to be all about more strategy and less enthusiasm...I hope he delivers when the time comes calling..


Zidane turns 40...

Ex- Real Madrid Play maker Zinedine Zidane turns 40 today. Winning over 15 trophies for club and country in a career spanning 24 years. He also picked up a total of 45 personal laurels...which included 1 Ballon D'or and UEFA Champions League best player of the past 20 years.


Zidane was a footballing phenomena, with very few glitches in his long career. Though one cant't help but remember the infamous head butt with which he floored Marco Materazzi in the 2006 FIFA World Cup.

It is a big Happy Birthday to Zinedine Zidane, he was always a pleasure to watch.

Security shake-up....

There has been a big Security shake up in the highest echelons of the Nigerian government. A few months after stating that Boko Haram has representatives in all the arms of government General (rtd) Andrew Owoye Azazi finds himself out in the cold after being dropped by President Jonathan. Dr. Mohammed Haliru the Minister of Defence was also dropped. These recent spate of events are not unrelated to the serious insecurity that has besieged the nation in recent times.

General Azazi

General Azazi had seemed increasingly unable to cope with the flood of recent attacks all across the northern part of the Nation. To be fair, he received little support from within or without the Government. The Guillotine was always going to drop. It was just a matter of when. Well it has dropped and once again President Jonathan made an obvious choice. A northerner who seems to have considerable influence in the North.  

Dr. Mohammed Haliru

Meanwhile Col. Sambo Dasuki has been brought in to replace General Azazi. Dr. Haliru's replacement is yet to be nominated by the President.

Col. Sambo Dasuki

Humans will always adapt.

If birds learn to fly without stopping, hunters will learn to shoot without missing...Humans will always adapt....

Friday 22 June 2012

Shafiq set to be named Egyptian President...

Ex-Mubarak Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq is set to be named the next Egyptian President.

Ahmed Shafiq

A crumbling nation.....

Viewers discretion is seriously advised.....images of utter carnage, death and destruction. Do bear in mind that though this pictures are very upsetting at the same time they are the actual lives of people at this moment in time. They need your prayers and voice.

Lets hope it does make a difference.

Once again viewers discretion is advised.

Egypt in Dangerous Limbo....


Egypt is still in a state of uncertainty as its ruling Military leaders have once again delayed the outcome of the Presidential elections. It's been a topsy-turvy last few weeks which saw previous elections nullified and power placed firmly in the hands of SCAF (Supreme Council of Armed Forces). It’s a dangerous state of affairs and people are beginning to wonder how this would eventually end.

It is possible that both candidates could be disqualified and some interim government installed just like IBB did to Nigerians.
The reluctance of SCAF to handle things in a transparent and credible manner has inadvertently drawn people to the two Presidential Candidates, creating tension and a somewhat polarized atmosphere. On one hand people are faced with a somewhat docile Mubarak man who qualifies somewhat as the Devil they know

Shafiq - Mubaraks' former PM
and on the other hand the candidate representing the Muslim brotherhood, a group whose motives are shrouded in secrecy and who are seen by some to have hijacked the Egyptian revolution. With the somewhat dismal human rights in most counties under Sharia law and system of government people are getting increasingly worried and wary of them.            

Mursi -  Candidate representing the Muslim Brotherhood
Whatever the case may be, SCAF seems to have another card up their sleeves as everyone holds their breath as they prepare to play it. Despite the fact that they have virtually stripped any incoming President of most of his powers they still seem pretty unwilling to cede any power at all, no matter how small to an elected official. Let’s hope we have seen the worst of the Tahir rising.

Mubarak - there and back again

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Nigerian Government pulls off $16 Billion dollar Heist....

President Jonathan

The Jonathan administration has successfully pulled off a $16 Billion Dollar Heist with fuel purchases that never were.

How do you pay for an item 10 times over without realising it. I mean if it was all in one large payment you could say I mistakenly dropped all the money in or maybe I mistakenly added too many Zeros. When you actually keep writing cheque after cheque and disbursing funds after funds to pay for the same item over and over, then one could be forced to deduce that there is something horribly wrong. 

Mr. Abati....Spokesman (he does speak)

If you worked in a bank, you would be thrown in jail for losing a hundredth of that. In a school the same fate would await you. In a church you would be shackled to the alter. Even if you worked with a bunch of no good illiterates who can't spell their names, I am sure they would realise something had gone horribly wrong.

Well, our dear President Goodluck Jonathan spent N2.6 Trillion Naira ($16 Billion) For an Item that was supposed to cost N245 Billion ($1.5 Billion). It defies belief. How do you loose $16 Billion without realising it. Loosing $10 Billion in a single Calender year could bring a country like the United Kingdom to its knees. Yet in an impoverished nation like Nigeria, one man has been able to misappropriate $16 Billion. 


Adding insult to injury, he decided to set up a panel to investigate who he gave the money to. Now, he has decided that the panel has become slightly too independent and now seeks to discredit it. I wonder, what planet we live on. It's not as if he took the money from a group of Billionaires who can afford to get over it. No, it was taken from the mouth of hungry children. From Children dying of one ailment or another. From Starving families and failing hospitals. From a police force badly in need of equipment and training. From an educational sector that is slowly grinding to a halt. From an aviation industry that is now a death trap. From the Ministry of works and housing who cant afford to repair their roads and pay for health services to provide for the sick and dying. From all these vulnerable and utterly harmless people he took that money from.

President Goodluck Jonathan has just broken a world record by Hauling off $16 Billion in one calender year. Loosing $16 Billion Dollars in America or Britain in a single calender year is enough to start another chain reaction that could bring the world economy rocking to its knees once again. 

It's way past a misdemeanour or a felony. It borders on treason. It is a direct attempt to cripple the economy of a struggling nation. An attempt to make it vulnerable to all sorts of things. How else do you explain this.   

No one has been questioned by the police, no one has even been invited to be questioned by the police. No one has made a statement to the whereabouts of $16 Billion Dollars. From the looks of things no one will.

Those Children would just have to die of preventable ailments, Those fathers would just have to go home to their wives empty handed. Those policemen would just have to hide behind their desk and run for cover when a robbery is taking place. Just so some thief and his son could ride down the street in the latest cars and flashiest wears.  

A year ago we thought we had moved into a bright future, now we are just realising that it was actually the brief quiet before the inevitable plunge into utter oblivion.

God Save our Souls.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Carnage as Usual Sunday Bombings go on.

It's 2pm now, like I said in my earlier post news is now trickling in of the latest Terrorist attacks on churches in Northern Nigeria.

Two Churches in Zaria Kaduna state have been bombed, a third is presently under attack as I post this. Eight people have been confirmed dead.

Two militants involved have been lynched to death by an angry mob.

It has become a weekly event in Northern Nigeria where every Sunday Militants candidly select what church or institute to attack and then proceed to rain absolute carnage on it.

They now act with total impunity. From all indications the government had decided to accept these spate of mindless attacks as part of life in everyday Nigeria.

The press briefings, police investigations and condolence from the President and Governors have all dried up. It's now all about burying your dead and moving on with your life till next Sunday.

These conditions have left the country in a position were it is gingerly tittering over an abyss of total chaos.

God Save our Souls.

Nigerian University attacked by Militants

News emanating from Okada, Edo State has it that Igbinedion University has come under sustained attack by Niger Delta Militants. The sheer ferocity of the attack has left reports of students being hacked with machetes and cars being burnt.

Calls are at present going out to state security agents to go to the rescue the students who have been barricaded in. One of the girls’ hostels has also been broken into. There has been talk of a series of kidnappings.

If you do know anyone who can help, do well to speak out ASAP.

What a frightening way to start a Sunday. It used to be just the usual bombings of Churches weekly now we have this. I guess by 2pm we would know what Church gets their turn to be bombed today.

What a Country. God save our souls

Saturday 16 June 2012

Money Laundering: US Freezes Nigerian Embassy's accounts.

Prof. Adefuye, head of Nigerian Embassy (Culpable)

The Nigerian Embassy in Washington DC  and Consular office in New York have had their bank accounts frozen. Bank of American, M&T  Bank and Wells Fargo responded to a directive from the Government of the United States to have the said accounts frozen after some transaction were flagged.

The Decision stemmed from an intelligence report generated by a panel comprising The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), the US Department of Justice and the Treasury Department who had placed a monitor on wire transfers and transaction involving the embassy.

It is thought that a sum of about $3.6 million has entered and left the accounts in under a month. The latest of which was a $50,000 lump sum withdrawn by a top embassy official over the last few days.

Efforts by the United States Government to get some clarity on what the money was intended for proved abortive and hence the said accounts were frozen.

This has left the embassy in a precarious state unable to pay its staff and carry out it's normal duties. Auditors  have been scrambled and are presently on their way to Washington DC to help resolve the situation.

The Nigerian Embassy has so far failed to provide information with regards to these transactions and have instead resorted to hint at a retaliatory action with regards to the United States Embassy in Nigeria.

This is a disgrace beyond measure and the latest whiff of acrid smoke spewing out of this ominous cesspit of corruption that the Federal Republic of Nigeria has been reduced to.

The head of the Nigerian Mission to the United States Prof. Adebowale Ibidapo Adefuye has yet to provide information of any sort to clarify this issue, his finance attaché Mr. S.A. Salami has so far been unreachable by either email of telephone. 

Wednesday 13 June 2012

The new faces of heavy weight politics.

The sound of the underlying current of confusion and cat fights in Abuja is beginning to be felt on the surface.

You see,  It's never wise to have too many powerful people in close proximity to each other. 

This fundamental fact when it comes to the human race is just beginning to dawn upon President Goodluck Jonathan. 

On one hand he has a Minister of Finance working to get things sorted out in order to add an extra point on her CV so as to bolster her chances for her next job whatever it may be, on the other hand we have a Minister of Petroleum who can't count in Naira and who seems to be at a loss with regards to the workings of the Ministry she heads. Coupled with this, we have a Minister of Aviation whose sole experience about an aircraft is how to fuel it. 

Point is Mr. President keeps nullifying each positive step he takes by making an ultimate blunder in another appointment which takes us one tidy step back into limbo. 

You do not hire one Minister to tidy up your books and then hire another Minister whose sole livelihood depends on your books remaining untidy.

1) ex-oil Magnate and current Minister of Aviation Princess Stella Oduah-Ogiemwonyi who strangely enough has not been mentioned in the infamous Fuel Subsidy Saga. 

Minister of Aviation...or should I say Minister of Aso-Rock Air-force.

2) Minister of petroleum who always appears constantly confused and out of her depth Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke. Our dear minister always seems to have severe difficulty in simple arithmetic especially when it comes to adding things up in Naira. maybe we should adopt the Dollar.

Minister of Petroleum. .... constant perplexity.

3) Minister of Finance Professor Ngozi Okonj-Iweala.. Economic Power house who was as quick to abandon Nigeria as she was quick to abandon the world bank. So we all know it wasn't Patriotism that brought her down here. A fact which has somewhat diminished her clout. All the same, she still does wield quite a punch.

Minister of Finance. constantly being stifled by corrupt heavy weights

4) Last but not least in anyway, we have our Minister of Waka About. Dame Goodluck Jonathan. who seems to have got the gist of super-model to caring mother and supporter of women virtues the wrong way round. So we find ourselves stuck with a first lady aspiring to be a super model.  Who even has her own  dictionary of Queens English or should I say Dames' English.  

Minister of Waka About.

Abuja is slowly grinding to a halt, under policies and appointments such as these. At its helm we have a man desperately trying to unclog it's motor which is being choked by persistent corruption.

God Save our Souls.

Air Nigeria's Routine, said the government.

Air Nigeria...Serious concerns reported

The NCAA (Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority) has today 12/06/2012 confirmed that it has suspended with immediate effect Air Nigeria's operations.  Citing normal procedures. Mr. Sam Adurogboye NCAA's public relations General Manager said it was routine to have the Services of a Sovereign States national Airline suspended after a brief strike.   

I do not know what planet he thinks we live on, one thing is clear though. It is evident he assumes he is addressing a bunch of illiterates. It is becoming a trend with the present government. They just assume that if everyone in government is a Muppet it should follow that everyone outside the government should be a puppet.  Two weeks ago the Presidents' spokesman said the President couldn't say Amen after a prayer session because he had used up all his Amens. Today we have Mr. Adurogboye saying he suspended the National Airline because it was routine procedure to do so after a strike. I must say he does relate well to the public.

A few days after a serious disaster you decide to suspend the country's National carrier and want us to believe it's routine. Well I am prepared to believe anything as long as you take the proper steps to fix or trash that flying trash-can. 

Customers and some staff of Air Nigeria over the past couple of months have voiced very serious concerns with regards to Air Nigeria. One gentleman calling it a Flying coffin. Well, I am glad that the government has seemingly decided to look into it. We all know it was a disaster waiting to happen. 

Thankfully and most hopefully this serious concern is being addressed appropriately.

Nigerian Airways...Defunct.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Udinese and Nigerian mid-fielder rescued.

Udinese and Nigerian mid-fielder Christian Obodo was today rescued from his kidnappers. Details of the operation are still somewhat unclear.

Saturday 9 June 2012

Udinese and Nigerian midfielder Kidnapped.

Mid-Fielder Christian Obodo

Nigerian Mid-fielder Christian Obodo (28) was in the wee hours of this morning kidnapped in his home city of Warri as he drove alone in his car. His Kidnappers have since contacted his family and demanded a ransom of 150 thousand euros.  

Nothing like this has happened in the country before today. It had always been friends and family members of footballers being kidnapped. However it does seem the kidnappers have taken this step with the aim of involving his club Udinese Calcio with whom he does have a standing contract.

This is the latest twist in a most horrific month for Nigeria and Nigerians, everything seems to be going wrong. Still her dear President and ruling party do nothing. This represents a new low in an otherwise disastrous month of June.

It is a dire state of affairs. Senator Pius Ewherido who represents Delta Central has not spoken. No doubt he might be in Abuja looking for the big contracts, after all who cares about the simple and ordinary citizens who elected him into office.

What a sorry state of affairs.

God help us all.

Friday 8 June 2012

Dorians' Blog: A Mothers worst and darkest nightmare....Kidnapped...

Dorians' Blog: A Mothers worst and darkest nightmare....Kidnapped...: Parents and their three kids It seems there is no letting off with the consistent dreary news in Nigeria.  Yesterday afternoon ...

A Mothers worst and darkest nightmare....Kidnapped Children.

Parents and their three kids

It seems there is no letting off with the consistent dreary news in Nigeria.  Yesterday afternoon a mothers darkest nightmares came to be when her three beautiful children were kidnapped.

Chinemerem (5) Okechukwu (4) and Nzube (2) were picked up by their driver Godwin. In a new Toyota Avensis car (no number plates)  from ABC Academy in Utako Abuja at 3:30 pm yesterday.

Her driver pictured below went to pick up the kids from school but his destination afterwards wasn't her home because the kids and driver are yet to be found.

It's a woman's and mothers darkest nightmare. Now with all the uncertainty and death in the country its almost gut wrenching to have this to worry about.

Nigeria seems to be under attack from all points, aircraft's falling out of the skies, motor accidents on her roads, weekly terror attacks, Politicians are plundering her oil wells, her ministers are grossly incompetent and rogues, her senators are thieves and people with no creed, faith or sense of duty and worst of all her President has got no sense of what to do. With his wife clowning all over the country with the notion that her husband just won the lottery.

God help us all. Please help locate these children. Every little information will help.


Thursday 7 June 2012

First DSK on Big Brother now Greek Politician slaps female counterpart on Television

Ilias Kasidiaris

A well Known Greek Politician this morning assaulted two female politicians from another party. 

The Golden dawn spokesman Ilias Kasidiaris is first seen as he threw a glass of water at Rena Dourou (right) when she said Kasidiaris' party would take Greece 500 years back. Kasidiaris then proceeded to descend on another female politician Liana Kanelli (below) who waved a paper and told him to get out, giving her three quick slaps before he was restrained. 

Liana Kanelli

An arrest warrant has been issued by the prosecutors office but no arrest has been made.

It was sickening to watch DSK a few days ago beat up Zainab on television after accosting her for opening the bathroom door while he took his bath.   

Monday 4 June 2012

Dire State of affairs indeed.

The mob on the wreckage with emergency services looking on.

act of futility

People in Nigeria live as though they were acting out some episode of Final Destination.
You either get killed by an auto-mobile accident, be it on the road or sleeping peacefully at home. When you drive carefully on the road there are fuel tankers careering all over the place because no one bothers to follow road safety rules…not that there are any, church bombings are rampant while worshipping on a quiet Sunday morning, University bombings while trying to study to improve your country, assassinations for daring to raise your voice against corruption, death by inhaling carbon monoxide from generating sets while sleeping due to lack of power supply, even from a policeman paid to protect you who accidentally discharges his weapon while running after a bus to collect 10 Naira from a bus conductor. You could die in a hospital during surgery because the Federal Government has not thought to make it compulsory for Hospitals to have fully functional stand by generating sets as strict policy. 

When you run an airline in Nigeria, you have to give bribes to have your aircraft certified as being air worthy irrespective of whether they are truly air worthy or not. So everyone pays the bribes and send their various aircraft into the skies. Nicely painted with no screws securing the engine and every one holds their breaths and prays for the best. Going and coming. 

Sooner or later disaster does strike and after the first few days of the usual furore and a few days of mourning it starts all over again. The only thing that changes is that the bribes go up. So you would now need more money to pay for bribes, which means you would have to over work every single aircraft you have in other to recoup your money and so that vicious circle keeps getting bigger and the wheels keeps spinning faster.

This past weekend (31/05 to 03/06) saw two bomb blast, two planes crash and armed government forces on a university campus once again in a bid to forcefully change its name. It has been a weekend of total chaos, confusion and death in which over 200 people have lost their lives under very violent circumstances. We are about equalling Syria in body counts, Syria is supposed to be a nation virtually in a state of civil war and we are supposed to be at peace.

Accountability is a word which many people do not really understand. If you are not ready to put your head on the line, you should not be given responsibilities.

Minister of Aviation Princess Stella Oduah-Ogiemwonyi an accountant and Business Administrator heads this most vital Ministry of Aviation. It is a Ministry which has seen at least 5 Ministers in the last 7 years. Time and again the Federal Government sees this Ministry as some sort of business deal or some political bargaining chip to play with (you campaign for me and its yours) with absolutely no regard for air safety. No stomach for reform, no stomach for sacrifice. It’s all about the pump and pageantry that goes with the office.  

Princess Stella Oduah-Ogiemwonyi Minister for Aviation

Sani Sidi Director General NEMA

Instead of secure Cordons soldiers chase people like rats 

Princess Stella Oduah-Ogiemwonyi with all due respect to her MA in Business Administration has shown no experience or expertise whatsoever with regards to managing an Aviation Industry. Not to talk about an Aviation Industry in a mammoth Nation such as Nigeria. Her main Experience so far has been running a part of President Jonathans' presidential campaign. All we have heard about is scuffles with British Airways about extra payments, no dedication whatsoever in maintaining and following basic rules of safety and simple work ethics. It is being reported that the said Airline was not cleared to fly by a key Engineer. So if the Federal Government is in any way serious about anything we do expect someone to be charged with 173 counts of Murder. Anything less would spell a very sad state of affairs and ultimately spell doom for the Nigerian Aviation industry. The government should be very clear. You play with people’s lives, you get charged with murder. There should be no two ways about it.

As we all know half of the people in key positions in government are actually pacifiers and the fruit of one compromise or another so we do fear the worst. We are shackled with a President who virtually has no power even to sack a janitor in his house simply because he/she is an important plug in a very long line of corrupt dominoes.

As we all fear, it could be business as usual. After all if we charged someone with Murder now, what do we do about the now usual weekly Boko Haram multiple murders. Sometimes I wonder to myself if Nigeria is still a country with a President. It’s all gone south. Maybe it’s some government Policy to reduce the population by death and poverty, or maybe a group of people are playing a bad game of chess somewhere.

Instead of Shouting at the Top of his voice Mourn, Mourn, Mourn people of Nigeria. The first words which should have come out of the Nigerian Presidents mouth right after condolences for the victims and their family members should have been the immediate suspension of The Minister of Aviation, The Director General of NEMA and the immediate detention of Directors at Dana Airlines.

Muhammad Sani Sidi the director general of NEMA, who until his appointment was the commissioner of Culture and Tourism on state level. With little or no experience whatsoever in handling disasters was appointed by President Goodluck Jonathan. The real shocker is that he came in to replace a seasoned Air Vice-Marshal. The ruling People’s Democratic Party Listed one of his main experiences as having cleaned up two Local Governments (Zaria and Sabon-Garri) in Kaduna state. They didn’t exactly specify if he swept the floor or picked up rubbish. All the same they took it as some kind of emergency response. Now we find ourselves at his mercy to somehow control and contain with the aid of his many years of EXPERIENCE serious calamities like plane crash and bomb blasts.

God save our souls.

Sunday 3 June 2012

Weekend of Carnage.

Barely 24 hours after a Nigerian cargo plane crashed in Accra Ghana, a Ghanaian Passenger Plane has crashed into a two Story Building in the Nigerian commercial capital and second city Lagos.. 153 people are feared dead. There are stories of people burning as bodies litter the street in Ishaga-Iju area of Lagos.

Its been a weekend of carnage with the Terrorist group Boko Haram having carried out a series of attacks in Bauchi state.
This latest horrific and sordid news is still developing.

Mr. President uses up his quota for saying Amen.

Most Rev. Peter Akinola

Most Rev. Peter Akinola

Spokesperson for President Goodluck Jonathan has come out with a most cynical statement as an excuse why Mr. President declined to say Amen to anti-corruption prayers offered by most-Reverend Peter Akinola.

Goodluck Jonathan

You see, the prayer did include a curse on anyone who was involved in corruption in Nigeria. After the Prayers Mr. President refused to say Amen. If you think this was some sort of a strange occurrence by Mr. President well, hold your horses and wait for the explanation that followed.

Dr. Abati
Spokesman for Mr. President Dr. Abati's came out with a statement saying that the President had used up his quota for Amens' for one service. I don't know if it is me, but this was somewhat a curious time to run out of Amens, wouldn't one agree?
Mr. Jonathan's regime is becoming stranger by the minute.