Wednesday 12 December 2012

The Nurse, the Queen and two Listless Wallabies from Never-Never Land.

The untimely death of anyone is always tragic.  In this case, it is particularly so given the recent spate of events. The life of a lovely lovely lady cut short by a meaningless prank hatched from halfway across the world.

One can’t help but imagine and play over and over again mentally this whole short saga.

Australian DJs'
The period immediately after the prank call saw the BBC and other big news Establishment in stitches and green with envy at the two Australian DJ’s who had managed to pull off this mother of all pranks.  Everyone had a good laugh; I couldn't help but guffaw when I heard it all on CNN. I mean, firstly it was obvious that the Queen in question definitely sounded quite strange. Of course listening in as a third party one would think so. What if you were a first party? What would your reaction have been? Would you have said to the Queen; please identify yourself? Or would you have slammed the phone down on her? All the factors that morning would have pointed to that call emanating from Buckingham Palace, except of course for the somewhat dodgy voice.

Well, the polite and professional Nurse simply obliged. Unaware she was granting access to two harmless buffoons from the heart of Never-Never Land.
Point made, it was all a big joke and a good laugh. I can even imagine the ever excited Prince Harry falling over himself in laughter. Everyone I would say, except, those proper Bureaucrats in the King Edward VII  Hospital management team. I find it hard to believe they all smiled and gave the Nurse a pat on the back and went on their business as usual. On the contrary I can imagine the icy treatment the poor nurse would have received from them. It wold have been no surprise for her to have received a very polite letter a short while down the line, Thanking her for her wonderful and simply outstanding services to the Hospital.

Until her death the Australian DJs’ were the heroes of the day, the Nurse; the victim of a harmless prank. After her Death the DJs’ have become two cruel cruel human beings, the lovely Nurse; a victim of a dastardly act of inhumane cruelty. It just beats me how the hospitals' management team seems to be missing from this otherwise straightforward picture. When it is all too right to imagine the wrath the poor Nurse would have incurred upon herself from management for putting that call through.

Nurse Jacintha
Now, one is forced to think; what pushed her over the edge?

Was it the Stupid harmless prank from two Wallabies in the heart of Never-Never Land or the Icy reception and almost certain withering discipline she would have received from her Bosses at King Edward VII hospital?

It’s your choice.

She was a seasoned Nurse with two young lovely Children. She works in London. I mean she would have had more serious pranks played on her. The difference with this one definitely would have been the impending consequences. Consequences which King Edward VII hospital seemingly wants us now to believe were never forth coming.

The DJs’ did what DJs’ do best. Make stupid jokes and think up harmless pranks. This time however, their prank had a devastating ending definitely after being precipitated. That Precipitating factor I am sure we would never know. Left to King Edward VII hospital; doesn't exist.

My heart goes out to her lovely family and the Duchess of Cambridge who inadvertently has been caught up in this horrific state of events given her current delicate situation.

Hopefully, someday we would fully understand the whole sad story.

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